Monday, March 11, 2013

The 11th day of March 2013

Surreal Tree
Size and Price Unknown
for more information see the artist, Valerie Dowdy
Almost Spring

Drizzly, damp, march rain
soft shoes outside my window pane.
I open the window to listen closer

Who would dream they could be as skilled as earth’s creator?
Nature is the best composer.
I inhale God’s perfume, and I’ve no need for church or philosophy.
I just take in this world, let myself become part of the whole,
that’s where mortals find their eternal soul.


  1. I like this one very much!
    Thank you for using my art work in this way....means a lot.

  2. Thanks! I just wrote it today...the stanzas didn't lay right on the screen when I published, but I guess that's all right.
